Posted on September 9, 2019 by Eric Zuesse.
Eric Zuesse, originally posted at
There was a speech that the Harvard neoconservative
Graham Allison presented at the U.S. aristocracy’s TED Talks on 20 November
2018, and which is titled on youtube as “Is war between China and the US inevitable?” It currently has 1,533,691
views. The transcript is here. His speech said that the U.S. must continue being the world’s #1
power, or else persuade China’s Government to cooperate more with what
America’s billionaires demand. He said that the model for the U.S. regime’s
supposed goodness in international affairs is The Marshall Plan after the end
of World War II. He ended his speech with the following passage as pointing the
way forward, to guide U.S. foreign policies during the present era. Here is
that concluding passage:
Let me remind you of what happened
right after World War II. A remarkable group of Americans and Europeans and
others, not just from government, but from the world of culture and business,
engaged in a collective surge of imagination. And what they imagined and what
they created was a new international order, the order that’s allowed you and me
to live our lives, all of our lives, without great power war and with more
prosperity than was ever seen before on the planet. So, a remarkable story.
Interestingly, every pillar of this project that produced these results, when
first proposed, was rejected by the foreign policy establishment as naive or
My favorite is the Marshall Plan.
After World War II, Americans felt exhausted. They had demobilized 10 million
troops, they were focused on an urgent domestic agenda. But as people began to
appreciate how devastated Europe was and how aggressive Soviet communism was,
Americans eventually decided to tax themselves a percent and a half of GDP
every year for four years and send that money to Europe to help reconstruct
these countries, including Germany and Italy, whose troops had just been
killing Americans. Amazing. This also created the United Nations. Amazing. The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The World Bank. NATO. All of these
elements of an order for peace and prosperity. So, in a word, what we need to
do is do it again.
The U.S. did donate many billions of dollars to
rebuild Europe. The Marshall Plan, however, excluded the Soviet Union. It
excluded Belarus, which had suffered the largest losses of any land in WWII,
25% of its population. It excluded Russia, which lost 13%. But those weren’t
nations, they were states within the U.S.S.R., which was the nation that lost
by far the highest percentage of its population of any nation, to the war:
nearly 14%.
Russia had lost, to Germany’s Nazis, 13,950,000, or exactly 12.7% of its population. Another part of the Soviet
Union, Belarus, lost 2.29 million, or exactly 25.3% of its population to Hitler.
Another part of the U.S.S.R., Ukraine, lost 6.85 million, or 16.3%. The entire
Soviet Union lost 26.6 million, exactly 13.7% of its population to Hitler. The U.S. lost only 419,400, or 0.32% of its population. Furthermore, immediately
after FDR died and Harry S. Truman became President, the U.S. CIA (then as its
predecessor organization the OSS) provided protection and employment in Germany
for top members of Hitler’s equivalent to the CIA, the Gehlen Organization. (America’s CIA continues flagrantly to violate the law and hide from Congress and the American people crucial
details of its relationship with the Gehlen Organization.) By contrast, the Soviet Union
was unremitting in killing Nazis whom it captured. So: while the U.S.S.R. was
killing any ‘ex’-Nazis it could find, the U.S.A. was hiring them either in West
Germany or else into the U.S. itself. It brought them to America whenever the
U.S. regime needed the person’s assistance in designing weapons to use against
the U.S.S.R. Right away, the U.S. was looking for ‘ex’-Nazis who could help the
U.S. conquer the Soviet Union. The Cold War secretly started in the U.S. as
soon as WW II was over (the OSS-CIA’s “Operation Paperclip”). (There was no equivalent to “Operation Paperclip” in the U.S.S.R.)
The Soviet Union suffered vastly the brunt of the
Allies’ losses from WWII, but the U.S., which suffered the least from the war,
refused to help them out, and instead the U.S. regime protected most of the
‘ex’-Nazis that were in its own area of control. Without nasty Joseph Stalin’s
help, America would today be ruled by the Nazi regime instead of by America’s
domestic aristocracy as it now is. And this is the way that our aristocracy
thanked the Soviet people, for the immense sacrifices that they had made, really,
on behalf of the entire future world. This happened right after WW II was over,
and the U.S. regime was already determined, right away, not to
help those people, but instead to conquer them
— to treat them as being the new enemy, so as to stoke the
weapons-trade after the war (and the need for more weapons) ended. How ‘good’
was this behavior by the U.S. rulers — the “Military Industrial Complex” or MIC
— actually?
Truman was unfortunately an extremely effective agent
of America’s billionaires in advancing them first to continue their MIC
(or, actually, the weapons-making firms), so that the billionaires who controlled them had no
reason to fear the breakout of peace in the post-war era — America right away
started its world-record-shattering number of coups and invasions, virtually as soon as Truman took
over. First was the coup in Thailand in 1948 — right at the CIA’s very start — in order to
grab hold of Asia’s narcotics traffic so that the needed off-the-books funding
for that totalitarian and legally unconstrained new spy-agency could be
instituted. The existence of this off-the-books funding-system for it didn’t
become public until the great investigative journalist Gary Webb uncovered its operations in
Nicaragua during President Reagan’s Iran-Contra scandal, which entailed illegal
funding — from cocaine-sales — of Reagan’s war against Nicaragua, a
Soviet-friendly country. The heroic Gary Webb became blackballed from America’s
’news’-(actually propaganda)-media and plunged into poverty so that he
(according to the government) committed suicide and “wasn’t murdered,” but
(either way, via either a hit-operation or a suicide) his death was another of the CIA’s secret victories.
Hey, if this looks bad for the United States, then the
truth looks bad for the United States. This is not the
propaganda. Deceits such as Graham Allison’s slick distortions are the
propaganda — and thus he and the others who do such work are enormously
successful and highly honored by America’s billionaires and the rest of their
retinues. People such as that, train the next generation of and for America’s
aristocracy, so that they can become just as smug in their evil and
self-deception as their trainers are. Their parents get vindicated by Allison
and others of the billionaire-class’s propaganda-merchants (‘historians’
‘journalists’, etc.). What’s not to like in this? It’s virtually a cult of the
world’s most-powerful people and of their retinues. Lots of people would like
to join it — and, “To hell with the truth.” (See how Julian Assange, Chelsea
Manning, and Edward Snowden are treated, for examples of this attitude.)
Even the U.N. has caved to the American behemoth. It
authors didn’t know was actually the very start of the Cold War:
Three events from the Golden Age
that left significant lessons relevant for the implementation of the
Sustainable Development Goals include: the contributions of the Marshall Plan,
the experience leading to the achievement of current account convertibility
under the IMF Articles of Agreement and the declaration of the First UN
Development Decade. The Marshall Plan marked the very beginning of successful
international cooperation in the post-war period.
No mention is made, there, either, that this was the
start of the Cold War. The fact that this was the start of America’s war
against Russia is simply ignored. Instead, all of this is celebrated. But
even the CIA-edited and written Wikipedia
acknowledges, in its (heavily propagandistic pro-U.S.-regime)
article “Molotov Plan”:
The Molotov Plan was the system
created by the Soviet Union in 1947 in order to provide aid to rebuild the
countries in Eastern Europe that were politically and economically aligned to
the Soviet Union. It can be seen to be the Soviet Union’s version of the
Marshall Plan, which for political reasons the Eastern European countries would
not be able to join without leaving the Soviet sphere of influence. Soviet
foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov rejected the Marshall Plan (1947),
proposing instead the Molotov Plan — the Soviet-sponsored economic grouping
which was eventually expanded to become the Comecon.[1]
Just think about that, for a moment: The Soviet Union
is being blamed there because it “rejected” the U.S. regime’s demand upon all
nations that accepted aid from The Marshall Plan, that they be “leaving the
Soviet sphere of influence.” How stupid does the writer of that particular
passage have to be? Wikipedia’s description of the Molotov Plan continues:
The Molotov Plan was symbolic of
the Soviet Union’s refusal to accept aid from the Marshall Plan, or allow any
of their satellite states to do so because of their belief that the Marshall
Plan was an attempt to weaken Soviet interest in their satellite states through
the conditions imposed and by making beneficiary countries economically
dependent on the United States (Officially, one of the goals of the Marshall
Plan was to prevent the spread of Communism).
The Marshall Plan wasn’t merely “an attempt to weaken
Soviet interest in their satellite states” but was instead an actual lure, to
draw into “leaving the Soviet sphere of influence,” the nations “that were
politically and economically aligned to the Soviet Union.” This wasn’t really
about “Soviet interest in their satellite states” but instead it was about the
U.S. regime’s policy, immediately after WW II, to take over not merely the
nations that the U.S. had helped in Europe to defeat Hitler, but also
the nations that the Soviet Union had helped to defeat Hitler. It was, in
short, a U.S. grab, to control territory within the lands that the Soviet Union
had saved from Nazism. This is the reality.
Look at these tables, again, of how much the U.S. and the Soviet Union — and
all other countries — had suffered losses from actually fighting against
Hitler, and then consider that the nation which had lost the least was now so
war-mongering as to immediately try to grab “sphere of influence” — the very
border-nations which were crucial to the Soviet Union’s national security
against that very same grabber — grabbing away from the one
that had lost the most. Is that despicable? Is it what the U.S.
regime claims to be?
Here is
another piece of U.S.-regime propaganda about the Molotov Plan (which they say
was the Soviet response to The Marshall Plan even though it wasn’t and the
Soviet Union had been so destroyed by Hitler as to have made any such donations
to their own satellites impossible, or only minuscule by comparison, but, in
any case, nothing like The Marshall Plan):
The plan was a system of bilateral
trade agreements that established COMECON to create an economic alliance of
socialist countries. This aid allowed countries in Europe to stop relying on
American aid, and therefore allowed Molotov Plan states to reorganize their
trade to the USSR instead. The plan was in some ways contradictory, however,
because at the same time the Soviets were giving aid to Eastern bloc countries,
they were demanding that countries who were members of the Axis powers pay
reparations to the USSR.
Those weren’t “socialist” countries; they were
dictatorial socialist (i.e., communist) countries, as opposed to democratic
socialist (i.e., progressive) countries such as in Scandinavia — the proper
term for what the Soviet alliance was is “communist,” not “socialist”
— and there was a very big difference between the Scandinavian countries,
versus the communist countries (though the U.S. regime wants to slur one by the
other so as to sucker fools against democratic socialism —
And, by “they were demanding that countries who were
members of the Axis powers pay reparations to the USSR,” we’re supposed to
think that Germany, and Italy, and Japan, shouldn’t have
compensated their victims? What? And yet we’re also supposed
to believe that Germany should pay it for Jews
who lived in Israel? What’s that about? Why? Why ‘should’ Germany be
funding Jews to grab land that for thousands of years has been populated almost
entirely by Arabs and for perhaps a thousand years almost entirely by Muslims,
thus subsidizing the theft of that land, the grabbing of that land, by Jews who
had escaped Hitler’s Holocaust — which had itself been perpetrated not by
Muslims in Palestine but entirely by Christians in Europe? Why ‘should’
Palestinians be the people who are ultimately being required to ‘restitute’ the
surviving Jews that the overwhelmingly Christian Europe had
persecuted and then rejected? What is all of this really about, and what is
propaganda such as Graham Allison delivers, really about? America’s
manufacturers of the machinery of mass-death need to “make a living,” don’t
they? And isn’t that sort of propaganda the most effective way to do it? So,
that’s what it seems likeliest to be about, really (though not in
the propaganda).
There is the presumption by neoconservatives —
American imperialists — that the U.S. Government is both democratic and well-intentioned, but at
least after the death of FDR, it hasn’t been either one. (Back in his time, it
was a limited democracy, very limited for Blacks.) And this is
the reason why the U.S. regime double-crossed Russia and shamed The West when the last Soviet leader,
Mikhail Gorbachev, ended communism, and ended the U.S.S.R., and even ended its
Warsaw Pact (which had been created in 1955 — eight years after the U.S. regime had started its NATO) in 1991, but the U.S. side secretly continued the Cold War, and does so increasingly today.
None of this fits the U.S. regime’s
propaganda-narrative, such as Graham Allison, and many thousands of other
regime-shills, present. Theirs is called ‘history’. The reality is called
“history.” In the U.S. and its vassal-nations, there is vastly more of a market
for ‘history’ than for “history,” because the billionaires not only control the
government — they also control the alleged news-media, history-publishers, and
other means of ‘informing’ and ‘educating’ the public. So, it’s a
self-selecting circle of deceivers that are at the top.
Dr. Allison addresses only audiences of suckers; or,
if not, then how, for example, can one explain his assertions such as “My
favorite is the Marshall Plan. After World War II, Americans felt exhausted.
They had demobilized 10 million troops”? 10,700,000 was the
number of Soviet soldiers that were killed by Hitler’s forces.
They weren’t “demobilized.” They all were dead, barbarically slaughtered by the
invader. Ditto for the 10,000,000 Soviet civilians, whom Nazis likewise murdered. The Soviet Union didn’t “feel
exhausted”; it had actually been brutally raped. How callous can such a speaker
as this be, to ignore all of that heroism, and all of that imposed suffering —
from which victory by the Soviet forces against Hitler’s forces, Allison’s own
freedom has derived — while that speaker serves basically as a
carnival-barker for today’s rabidly anti-Russian
American regime? He even was saying there, in 2018, after decades of
U.S.-imposed coups and invasions, that that was instead “All of these elements
of an order for peace and prosperity.” Would the residents in the
Russia-friendly countries — such as Iraq and Syria and Libya and Ukraine and
Venezuela — where the U.S. has been perpetrating those successful or failed
bloody regime-change operations, see the U.S. as being more like the Hitlerite
regime in our own time: today’s Nazi Germany, but not yet defeated?
First, the U.S. regime used The Marshall Plan
basically as a lure to bribe Western European leaders to join America’s
anti-‘communist’ but really more like anti-Soviet military alliance NATO, and
then it trumpets itself for running “All of these elements of an order for peace
and prosperity.” Did Graham Allison copy his style from that of George Orwell’s
fictional but apparently prophetic villains in 1984?
Even other parts of that post-FDR system, such
as the IMF, have served
as siphons from publics around the world into the bank-accounts of the U.S.
aristocracy and of its allied aristocracies. That’s not what capitalism was
supposed to be.
However, the country that spent the largest amount of
money on WW II was, indeed, the U.S., according to a website whose sources and calculation-methods are not readily apparent. According to those estimates,
the number of billions of dollars of military expenses in that war were (and
this group consists of all of the nations that were estimated to have spent
more than $15 billion on this war): U.S. 341B, Germany 270B, U.S.S.R. 192B,
China $190B, UK $120B, Italy $94B, and Japan $56B. Those figures might indicate
that the weapons-manufacturing firms in the U.S. were receiving from their
government even more money than did Germany’s, which received even more money
than did the Soviet Union’s or any other country’s. On the other hand, the U.S.
Congressional Research Service estimated in 2010 that the U.S. spent $296B on WW II. Unfortunately,
no comparable number was offered there for the expenses by other countries.
In any case, basically: Stalin defeated Hitler;
Churchill and FDR together defeated Mussolini; and Stalin and FDR
together defeated Hirohito. (Even the anti-Russia Foreign
Policy magazine acknowledges that basically Stalin defeated
Japan.) Germany
was by far the top threat to the world, and the leading Axis power; and, if the
Axis had been the winning side, then Germany would likely have subsequently
defeated both Mussolini and Hirohito and become like today’s America, but even
worse, and even more racist, than today’s America. Stalin was, without any
reasonable doubt, the main person who prevented that outcome
for the world. But, then, he found himself facing the new Axis
powers — the U.S. and its allied regimes. And today’s Russia (though post-communist
and without the Warsaw Pact) especially needs to defend against the U.S. threat, because its former
buffer-nations have joined the Axis against it.
And the American deceits continue to this day. For yet
another example: On 7 July 2017, “Brain Bar,” the European version of TED
Talks, posted to youtube their 35:44 video, “Is There a Global War Coming? | George Friedman at Brain Bar”, in which Friedman, the founder
of the ‘private CIA’ firm Stratfor, portrayed World War II as having been won
by Dwight Eisenhower and U.S. forces, and he ignored the vastly more important
contribution to the Allied victory that was made by the Soviet Union and Stalin
— and he also didn’t so much as mention either Franklin Roosevelt or Winston
Churchill. Friedman said (10:40-): “World War Two was won by the biggest
technocrat of all, Dwight Eisenhower. … He knew how to organize fifteen million
men, to wage war. And out of that came a culture of experts, the belief that
experts can guide our society, and make it effective and healthy. … This also
led to the love of technology, because WW II was won by technology; by radar,
by radios, by B-29 bombers, by nuclear weapons.”
By the time the two A-bombs were dropped on Japan, WW
II had already been won by the Allies, and mainly by Stalin and FDR — and
certainly not by Ike.
PS: To dig down here to find the very beginning of
the Cold War (the period when the hostility between those two former allies
actually started), Truman’s complete diary needs to be published. The excerpts
that have been published do include some information that contradicts and
overrides his published statements, and his diary thereby helps researchers
penetrate to what was really going on inside his head at the time. What the
published excerpts show is a tragically unintelligent but well-intentioned
person, who had a number of guiding prejudices and therefore thought in labels
instead of trying actually to understand the other person’s real problems (such
as FDR did). For example, at the Potsdam Conference during 17 July to 2 August
1945, Stalin tried to explain why the Soviet Union needed to be surrounded by
friendly countries just as much as the U.S. and Britain did, but neither Truman
nor Churchill would accept any such concern by Stalin. (Subsequently, in the
1963 Cuban Missile Crisis, both Kennedy and Khrushchev agreed that both
countries must respect that right, which every country has.) As the BBC summarized it,
“Stalin wanted a buffer zone of friendly Communist countries to protect the
USSR from further attack in the future.” Truman got his views on such matters
from his top generals and other advisors. His diary on 16 July 1945 said “Talked to Mc Caffery about France. He is
scared stiff of Communism, the Russian society which isn’t communism at all but
just police government pure and simple. A few top hands just take clubs,
pistols and concentration camps and rule the people on the lower levels.” But
Stalin actually had lots of sound reason to distrust both Truman and Churchill
— just as they had lots of sound reason to distrust him. And Stalin had by-far
the most reason, because his nation had been vastly more weakened and
devastated by Hitler than either of theirs, and especially than Truman’s, was.
But Truman simply ignored that — and so did Churchill. FDR hadn’t been so
totally in thrall of his generals, nor as naive — nor as manipulable, as
Truman. Just a day after that diary-entry on July 16th, came this on July 17th
(after his first-ever meeting with Stalin): “I can deal with Stalin. He is honest, but smart as hell.”
The problem isn’t merely that Truman often
misunderstood, but that he surrounded himself with people that his Party’s top
donors liked. Truman wanted to be a progressive but ended up being only a
liberal — which his Party’s wealthiest found to be acceptable. (No billionaire
finds progressivism acceptable, which is why none of them make any substantial
donations to progressive politicians, but only to liberal and conservative
Truman’s main achievements were in foreign policy and
amounted to leading Churchill’s Cold War, pretty much as Stalin had feared he
might. For example, at Potsdam, as Steve Neal’s 2002 Harry and Ike says (p. 40), “Truman was elated that Stalin
was preparing to join the Allies in the war against Japan. [Stalin had made
that intention clear to Truman on July 17th.] [But, on July 26th] Eisenhower
advised [Truman against that, because, said Ike] ‘no
power on earth could keep the Red Army out of that war unless victory came
before they could get in.’”
Furthermore, Truman wrote to his wife Bess on July 26th, about his
meeting the day before, “There are some things we can’t agree to. Russia and
Poland have gobbled up a big hunk of Germany and want Britain and us to agree.
I have flatly refused. We have unalterably opposed the recognition of police
governments in the German Axis countries. I told Stalin until we had free
access to those countries and our nationals had their property rights restored,
so far as we were concerned ther’d never be recognition. He seems to like it
when I hit him with a hammer.” Ike’s strategic advice capstoned Truman’s
existing impression. So, Truman rejected the overwhelming opposition he had
received from the scientists, who favored doing only a public
test-demonstration of the A-bomb for Japan’s leaders to view, and he simply
nuked both Hiroshima and Nagasaki — in order to keep the Soviets out of
Japan, not in order to win the war against Japan. (Then, of
course, the very tactful Ike became Truman’s successor, and led, for what at
the end of his Presidency he famously named the “military industrial complex,”
which he warned against only after he
had already served as the President and already given the generals whatever they had asked for.)
So: those bomb-drops by Truman were part of the Cold
War against the Soviet Union, spurred by Eisenhower’s advice, and not really
part of the hot WW II to beat Japan. However, Truman could also have deceived
himself about what his motives actually were, because his diary on 25 July 1945 said: “This weapon is to be used against
Japan between now and August 10th. I have told the Sec. of War, Mr. Stimson to
use it so that military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and
not women and children. Even if the Japs are savages, ruthless, merciless and
fanatic, we as the leader of the world for the common welfare cannot drop this
terrible bomb on the old Capitol or the new.” The two bombings
occurred on 6 and 9 August — right after Potsdam. Obviously, it wasn’t just
“soldiers and sailors are the target and not women and children.” And, never,
after he perpetrated that, did he express regret about all those “women and
children.” He had no difficulty ignoring embarrassing realities. When he
received that advice from Ike the very next day, perhaps that advice
eliminated, in Truman’s mind, all other concerns than defeating the Soviet
Union. But, in any case, the Cold War seems to have started on July 26th, when
Truman switched away from WW II being his top concern, to America’s dominance
over the Soviet Union — what we now call the Cold War from the U.S. perspective
— as being his top goal (and, so, just hang those “women and children,”
collateral damage in a new war, this “Cold War”). This
interpretation fits perfectly with Truman’s having subsequently established the
CIA as a totally psychopathic, entirely legally unaccountable, organization,
set up for a new and permanent war, to end only when total victory has been
achieved, total control of the world — of every country — by the U.S.
Truman’s intentions were progressive — for
example, his diary-entry on 16 July 1945 said (in the context of damning the Soviet
Government) “It seems that Sweden, Norway, Denmark and perhaps
Switzerland have the only real peoples government on the Continent of Europe.
But the rest are as bad lot from the standpoint of the people who do not
believe in tyrany.” (He routinely misspelled like that.) Unlike
Republicans, who love to equate “socialism” with communism and simply to ignore
the Scandinavian examples disproving that equation, he wasn’t quite stupid
enough to fall for the billionaires’ line on it. He didn’t need to be: he was a
Democrat. Even the billionaires in his Party don’t spout that far-right a line
— it’s strictly Republicans who equate “socialism” with “communism” (in order
to encourage privatizations and weapons-making, and discourage increased taxes
on the wealthy and increased government-regulation of their firms). But
nowadays both Parties are overwhelmingly neoconservative-imperialistic — both
are almost totally dominated by the weapons-manufacturers.
FDR was a leader. Truman didn’t know how to lead,
because he didn’t even know himself. Himself was a puppet, and he didn’t even
know it, much less know the strings (from Ike etc. — the billionaires’ knowing agents)
(which were pulling Truman’s own brain).
And that’s how the road to today started.
And 200 years from now, is, by now, virtually certain to be vastly worse. If persons of FDR’s calibre had
been America’s Presidents after his death, then none of this would likely have
happened (at least not nearly as much); but none of them were
even nearly of his calibre. Leadership matters. It really does. It really did.
It largely made today what it is. Unfortunately (with the exception of JFK who
got murdered for trying to lead), America’s leadership after FDR has been
PPS: All of this history contradicts the standard
view of what created the Cold War. There is an article by Henry R. Nau, of the
Elliott School of International Affairs at GWU, in the July 2011 International
Politics, titled “Ideas have consequences: The Cold War and today”, and it represents the scholarly
mainstream on this historical question, of what caused the Cold War. He argues
that “the Cold War had its roots in ideological divergence between free
capitalist societies and totalitarian communist ones.” If that were true, then
why did the U.S. Government secretly continue the Cold War after communism ended in Russia in 1991, and why has the U.S. been
continuing this war increasingly hot, right up to the present time? Does the ideological ‘explanation’ for the Cold War
make any sense in the actual light of history — real history,
as opposed to the billionaire-backed fake ‘history’? That neoconservative (or
American pro-imperialist) Nau article even praises “unipolar power” — the goal
of American control over every other nation — because “Democracy reigns in the
world’s only superpower and in more than half of the states in the world,”
though, actually, there is only one nation that has been scientifically
analyzed in order to determine whether or not it can reasonably be called a
“democracy,” and the answer in that case was definitely no, it is not — the United States definitely is not a
democracy. So: that
allegation was clearly mythological. But the billionaires’ ‘history’ needs to
be full of such lies, in order to control the domestic population.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author,
most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records,
1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
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