The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War III – which I believe is now imminent.
On May 9th, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and some other states celebrated Victory Day, a monument to the destruction of Nazism by the people of the USSR together with those in Europe.
Victory Day is a day to celebrate the annihilation of Nazism from the face of Europa. We look towards the bright future, but we cannot forget our past, lest we repeat it. In Ukraine, however, for the past four years, we have seen the dark clouds of neo-Nazism overcast.
It has been four years, and a little over one week, since tragic events occurred in an Odessa Trade Union building, claiming the lives of around 48 people in an arson assault by official numbers, though by some sources, the number of those killed during the Odessa clashes, may indeed be as high as 397.
Keeping with the theme of remembering the past, but looking to the future, in this article, we will call to memory the anniversary of the Odessa massacre and the events that occurred, and also to prove with examples, that the Neo-Nazi elements which caused it, are still prevalent throughout Ukraine.
The Fourth Anniversary of the Odessa Massacre
For those unaware, the Russophone and cosmopolitan city of Odessa, built by Russian Empress Catherine the Great is located in south-western Ukraine on the Black Sea.
When Odessa was founded, it was a part of the region known as New Russia (Novorossia), to differentiate from North-Central Ukraine, which was called Little Russia.
On May 2nd, 2014, a group of fascists and ultra-nationalists, participants in the broader Maidan coup which seized power in Kiev that same year, stormed the Trade Unions House, and set it ablaze, by throwing Molotov cocktails. They prepared the weapons openly on the street, amidst clashes in the streets with anti-Maidan and pro-federalization Ukrainian citizens who were voicing their concern against the rising tide of Nazism.
People were burned alive, they were suffocated by smoke, they fell from the building, some were strangled, and others shot, others still beaten to death. Those killed included youth, older citizens, and pregnant women including their babies (obviously). Officially 48 people died, however other sources are claiming the actual number was 397, and we will explore this difference briefly.
Above all, I’d like to say there is no reporting on these events I can offer, which has not already been handled better by the experts who were on the scene as it happened. This is a four-year-old story, and as a result, it has already been covered extensively, so I do not wish to relive the events, which have already been described, and say what has already been said.
In summary, however, I can offer these observations and articles. One of the best articles on the subject, with regards to its graphical documentation of the horror that took place in Odessa was this piece by American journalist George Eliason. Below is one the more tame photos it contains.
The photos are hard to look at, however, if you do not truly know what happened, or doubt the accounts, you must see for yourself the evidence, provided by this American journalist. Some of the photos are highly graphic, however not gory (with blood), but there is one of a person who was burned alive and possibly raped, and another of a pregnant woman who was apparently strangled as neo-Nazis wave Ukrainian flags from the window.
This article contains key evidence of what amounts to a Nazi pogrom in 21stcentury Europe, however, the photos there are not all simply of the dead, but they reveal and expose the perpetrators in action. This is all for the purpose of documentation, not shock.
Examples of the non-graphically disturbing, but important evidence the article contains, is this video, in which the leader of one of the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist bands clearly gives orders to kill the anti-Maidan citizens and demonstrators.
In this video, one can see the pro-federalization citizens huddled up by the large Trade Unions House , as the neo-Nazis swarm in and begin setting fires. The video is surreal, like the image of the Mongol Horde descending on Kiev which set fire to the Church of the Tithes in 1240.
That video alone provides an excellent example of what happened. I wasn’t aware Batu Khan was a “Hero of Ukraine”.
The Ukrainian law enforcement authorities have failed to investigate properly and bring to liability even those of neo-Nazi thugs who were originally detained as taking part in the Odessa mass murder.
Take a moment to look at the faces of the victims. It’s important to understand, before we discuss the numbers of casualties, that these weren’t just numbers on a clipboard. These were people, they were burned alive, some were raped, some were strangled, some killed with smoke, others fell from burning buildings, survivors were shot and others beaten cruelly.
For example, Christina Bezhanitskaya, seen in the top right and bottom left, was born in 1992, was beaten to death on May 2nd, 2014, during the pogrom. These were human beings, and now they are gone.
As noted earlier in this article, there is debate as to the number of victims who actually died during the Odessa massacre.
Even if the number was “only” 40 people – which no one is claiming, that would still be 40 people killed by a veritable army of neo-Nazis. You saw the video yourself, the last time Odessa saw this was the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany and its satellites. Thanks to the West, the spirit of Hitler was awoken to wreak havoc on the long-suffering lands of Ukraine.
An Orthodox Church burning to the ground in the war
Why does west support Nazism in Ukraine
As Russians lay photos of the victims outside the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow, the Russian embassy in Washington has complained about the lack of response from the US.
This was a major event, not unlike a terrorist attack, in which large groups of people were killed by Nazis supporting a coup, backed by the US. The US has refused to comment on the actions of the people it supported, just like what happened in Kiev during the Maidan coup itself.
State Department official Victoria Nuland bribing nationalists with…cookies…seriously, we could not possibly make this up if we tried
This is a major issue which must be discussed, why did US officials support a coup in which many of the participants, and the general spirit of which was heavily fascist.
By in large, the Western response to this question, is to claim there was no violence in Ukraine, there were no Nazis, forget the deaths in Odessa, it was a tragic event, it was all Russia’s fault, etc. This is the western goal, to hide the facts of the Maidan coup sponsoring by foreign parties, the neo-Nazism in the Ukraine and the slaughter at Odessa, because once people see it with their own eyes, its impossible to not realize.
The US Department of State official Victoria Nuland had a very difficult time explaining before Congress the presence of Nazis, in the groups which Neo-Cons supported in Ukraine.
In the video, RT reports as Republican Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher from California challenges Nuland over Ukrainian Neo-Nazism.
“We did have legitimate election before, and the legitimate president was removed after we had major street violence. There were pictures of people running around that we were told were neo-Nazis,” Rohrabacher challenged Nuland.
Nuland faced a hard time coming up with answers.
“First of all the vast majority of those who were participating on Maidan were peaceful protesters. There were mothers and grandmothers and veterans,” Nuland said, but before being able to continue, Rohrabacher reminded the diplomat of vast presence of violent Ukrainian radicals.
“I saw those pictures and I also saw a lot of people throwing fire bombs at groups of policemen. There were people shooting into the ranks of police. So, yes, there were mothers with flowers, but there were also very dangerous street fighters engaged in those demonstrations. The question is: were there neo-Nazi groups involved?”
Nuland could not provide a definitive answer, saying that “there were many colors of Ukraine involved including very ugly colors.”
Referring to these mass murdering Nazis as simply “ugly colors”, is almost as cynical as referring to the Maidan coup as a “Revolution of Dignity”. That is what Ukrainian sources, and official US Government sources (as of last year) call the Maidan coup to this day. Does this look like dignity to you!?!
The Maidan before and during the revolution of “dignity”
Four Years later, Nazism still rampages
One of the most powerful arguments against the false narrative being pushed about the Ukraine crisis, is simply to show these “very ugly colors” to the world. It’s very important to commemorate the victims, but that is only half of what this article is about.
If fascist elements in Ukraine were really a small minority of the forces fighting in the embattled borderlands, if Odessa was just an isolated incident, and the guilty parties were arrested and brought to justice, then this could have just been an anniversary article to commemorate a tragedy.
This article must be more than that, however, because Odessa was not an isolated incident. The people of Ukraine suffer daily beneath a criminal regime that allows neo-Nazis to rape Ukrainian girls, torture and burn Ukrainian people alive.
Some more “Dignity” in the centre of Kiev on January 22, 2014.
The Ukrainian government is divided between oligarchs like Poroshenko, who care nothing for Ukraine, and wish to prostitute the country to the highest bidder, and their neo-Nazi enforcers who do the actual fighting.
It is worth noting, that as I’ve said before in numerous articles, there is a dichotomy between the kleptocratic criminal element, in control of the government itself, and the ultra-nationalist and Neo-Nazi doing the fighting for them. A good example is when Poland, a very Russophobic state, banned commemorating WW2 era Ukrainian Nazi Bandera, (a Hero according to Neo-Nazis), and called upon Ukraine to do the same.
Ukraine’s president is stuck between his radical NATO-EU allies and rabid domestic Nazis More
This put Poroshenko between a rock and a hard place, he must please his Western overlords, but at the same time, his fascist subjects would happily overthrow him if he does not continue chanting “Glory to Ukraine”.
The real fighting is done by the radical Nazi elements, while the actual administration of the country is the work of greedy oligarchs, like Poroshenko, with hardly a shred of patriotism in their blood. No one is saying Poroshenko’s isn’t leading a pro-Nazi regime, he has said numerous horrifying things, such as in this video, when he said they will win the war in Ukraine, when Eastern Ukrainian children are hiding in bomb shelters, and their (Nationalist) children will go to schools.
He has no more care for the lives of children than the Nazis, but the difference is the Nazis kill children for ideological reasons, whereas their leaders indirectly profit from the war. Poroshenko is more of the “Let the poor idiots die in wars. I want to see if I can stuff as much money in my pockets, as I can chocolate in my mouth” kind of tyrant, rather than the passionate “For the Glory of Ukraine!” type.
He doesn’t have a patriotic bone in his body, certainly not the noble type, but not even the ultranationalist. Say what you will about those vile Nazi’s, despicable as they are, they love the fatherland and are happy to die for it. Poroshenko has no intention of dying for anyone, let alone Ukraine. His main goal is to rob the country blind, 1990s style, while everyone is distracted by the Nazis running rampant, and murdering people in Donbass. How can he possibly rob Ukraine blind while no one is looking, if he’s dead?
So while he profits, those “very ugly colors”, Victoria Nuland swept under the rug, murder Ukrainian children. It’s these examples of every day Neo-Nazism that must be exposed, in order to dispel the lies about Ukraine.
You’ll know Nazism when you see it, and below are some examples, illustrating that the circumstances which caused the Odessa massacre remains the norm in Ukraine. The people who support this violence are neither patriots nor Heroes of Ukraine. They are murderers of Ukrainian children, rapists of Ukrainian women, the scum of the earth, and daemons.
Only devils would do this to any people, let alone their own
Recent Examples of neo-Nazism
Below are some recent examples of Neo-Nazism in Ukraine, which occurred in the last several weeks. This is not even going as far as four years back, but here are several stories which emerged from different sources in different languages all within the last four weeks.
Ukraine neo-Nazis celebrate the Original Nazis in Galatian SS Memorial
Ukraine is a very diverse territory, formed by the combination of regions which often had less in common with eachother, than they did with neighboring countries.
For example, Western Ukraine was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and fell under the influence of Uniate Catholics trying to persecute Russian Orthodox Ukrainians.
From Bandera’s region, an entire division of the Waffen SS, the Galicia division, was formed, which is considered a dark stain on fair Ukraine, by her sane residents. Traditionally, Ukrainians recognized this was a western plot to destroy Slavic people, however many Western Ukrainians fought with the Nazis in this division. Those who joined the Galicia SS division and other Ukrainian Nazi collaboratorsjustified their adherence to the Third Reich in terms of anti-communism and by a reactionary racial conception of Europe, which embraced the Ukrainians but excluded the “Asiatic” Russians and, of course, Jews.
Uniates and Ultra-Nationalists march with Bandera portrait
After the Maidan coup, large groups of people can be found throughout Ukraine, especially in the West, openly and proudly celebrating the original Nazis, wearing their uniforms, and hailing their memory.
Uniate Priest conducts memorial service for Nazis, note the Neo-Nazis in WW2 Uniform with swastikas
So, in other words, …they are concerned that the factual reality in Ukraine…will fit “Russian propaganda” if exposed. That would make it appear as if the Russian media are telling the truth, and it is the western narrative which is the propaganda, and literally is trying to defend and cover up the actions of Nazis.
Vandals deface Grieving Mother Statue with Nazi slogans
On April 22nd, a monument in Poltava, near the birthplace of legendary Russian-Ukrainian author Nikolai Gogol, fascists defaced a “grieving mother” statue, with anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda and graffiti saying “Heil Hitler” and “Death to the Jews”
On the first of May, Nazis disrupt the May Day demonstration
Those are just three simple examples of Nazi incidents reported in the media, in the last several weeks in Ukraine.
The prevalence of neo-Nazism in Ukrainian Social Media
It’s one thing for a story to be reported on in the media, this is often a highly curated event, which no matter how unbiased the source was, can sometimes not show the complete reality of the situation. For those who speak Russian and/or Ukrainian however, and are active on social media, it is very easy to see how widespread neo-Nazism has become in the post-coup Ukraine.
This is NOT to say that all Ukrainians are Nazis and hate Russians, there are still plenty of Ukrainians who love and consider themselves Russian, and more so who have family in Russia.
This peaceful cross procession of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate demonstrates that the legitimate church can raise over 100,000 people, whereas the neo-Nazi supported and illegitimate Kiev Patriarchate only gathered a crowd of around 2000, so there still are good people in Ukraine, however many are afraid. In the video below, the legitimate Church (as recongnized by Orthodox Canon Law) is shown up until the 3 min. mark, and then the march of the nationalist church.
Here is another march, only of the legitimate church in Western Ukraine, which gathered around 20,000 people, around an old castle. Often times these marches are threatened by Neo-Nazis, who are too frightened to carry out their threats when they see the massive crowd of believers.
More than ever, the authorities in Kiev, and their militias try and suppress the people, many of whom would be more sympathetic to Russia if they were not afraid.
Still, it would be a lie not to say, that there is not a massive neo-Nazi presence in Ukrainian social media. Sadly, even if they are indeed a minority, the neo-Nazis march freely in Kiev and other major cities. There are now likely more Nazis in Ukraine per square meter, than any other state in Europe.
This is not a reflection on the Russian or Ukrainian people, as much as the pernicious western influence which has poisoned people’s minds there.
Here are some examples of “normal” social media posts displaying blatant Nazi propaganda, in the form of screenshots sent to me by those who were concerned and wanted to document what is happening.
Above, is a post with memorial photos of the victims of the Odessa pogrom.
And in this photo, we can see a user, whose profile picture seems to be a cat with a Hitler style mustache, saying that the second of May, the date of the Odessa massacre should be a national holiday in Ukraine.
Here is another example of pro-fascists posts across social media.
In this disgusting photo, the post is comparing the hellfire which burned innocent people, to the Holy Fire. The Holy Fire is a miracle in which Orthodox people believe an uncreated Fire manifests itself every year on Orthodox Pascha (Easter) at Christ’s tomb, which does not burn faithful people who touch it. It has been seen by millions of witnesses. Link to information and photos in many languages including English.
Sensible Ukrainian and Russian citizens do see and report these posts to Facebook as extremist propaganda, but Facebook seems to prefer censoring alternative media posting sensible and well-researched articles exposing extremists, rather than the actual extremists. This is the kind of insanity that normal Ukrainian citizens have to suffer under, all thanks to a Western coup which not only revived, but successfully revitalized Nazism in Europe.
Eternal Memory to Fallen – Never Again for the Living
Odessa – a beautiful seaside city founded by Empress Catherine the Great of Russia
I wish Eternal Memory to all the innocent people who lost their lives, when modern Nazis burned Odessa for the first time since the Great Patriotic War. May they rest in peace.
Beautiful Odessa
As to the living, it’s hard to sleep peacefully knowing such devils are raping, torturing and murdering across Ukraine, while the authorities in Kiev act like its business as usual, and the west ignores it completely.
Odessa however, is a Hero-City, she survived Nazi invasion once, when there was honor in Ukraine, and like in all Rus’, may God grant that there may again, be peace and honor in Ukraine.
Odessa – Hero City. Note the flag which says the 2nd of May
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Discurso do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, na manhã do dia 24 de Fevereiro de 2022
Discurso do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, Tradução em português
Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin: Cidadãos da Rússia, Amigos,
Considero ser necessário falar hoje, de novo, sobre os trágicos acontecimentos em Donbass e sobre os aspectos mais importantes de garantir a segurança da Rússia.
Começarei com o que disse no meu discurso de 21 de Fevereiro de 2022. Falei sobre as nossas maiores responsabilidades e preocupações e sobre as ameaças fundamentais que os irresponsáveis políticos ocidentais criaram à Rússia de forma continuada, com rudeza e sem cerimónias, de ano para ano. Refiro-me à expansão da NATO para Leste, que está a aproximar cada vez mais as suas infraestruturas militares da fronteira russa.
É um facto que, durante os últimos 30 anos, temos tentado pacientemente chegar a um acordo com os principais países NATO, relativamente aos princípios de uma segurança igual e indivisível, na Europa. Em resposta às nossas propostas, enfrentámos invariavelmente, ou engano cínico e mentiras, ou tentativas de pressão e de chantagem, enquanto a aliança do Atlântico Norte continuou a expandir-se, apesar dos nossos protestos e preocupações. A sua máquina militar está em movimento e, como disse, aproxima-se da nossa fronteira.
Porque é que isto está a acontecer? De onde veio esta forma insolente de falar que atinge o máximo do seu excepcionalismo, infalibilidade e permissividade? Qual é a explicação para esta atitude de desprezo e desdém pelos nossos interesses e exigências absolutamente legítimas?
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