What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Monday, December 31, 2018

The Tyranny of Contamination: The US Military is poisoning Okinawa.

Please republish and share, but only without editing and with credit and link to original included. Thanks!
High concentrations of the deadly compounds Per-fluoro-octane sulfonate (PFOS) and Per-fluoro-octanoic acid (PFOA), together known as Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been found in the drinking water in communities adjacent to the U.S. Air Force’s Kadena Air Base and the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in the Japanese Prefecture of Okinawa. The chemicals are found in the fire-fighting foam used in routine fire-training exercises on base.
The health effects of exposure to these chemicals include frequent miscarriages and other severe pregnancy complications. They contaminate human breast milk and sicken breast-feeding babies. PFAS contribute to liver damage, kidney cancer, high cholesterol, decreased response to vaccines, an increased risk of thyroid disease, along with testicular cancer, micro-penis, and low sperm count in males.
    PFAS-laced foam fills Kadena Air Force Base, Okinawa
after a drunk U.S. Marine activated a firefighting system in 2013.
Researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health say that an approximate safe dose of PFOS and PFOA in drinking water is 1 ppt.
Meanwhile, municipal water systems in Okinawa have been shown to contain more than one hundred times that level, while ground water is contaminated at a level one thousand times higher. The contamination is not confined to Okinawa. For instance, groundwater at China Lake, California was recently tested at 8 million ppt, according to a little-known report by the DOD.Although few in America who live adjacent to military bases are aware of the contamination, the situation is different in Okinawa, where researchers and activists have been sounding the alarm.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Kapuralin Vladimir -- Manifestazione in occasione del X anniversario della aggressione della NATO contro la Repubblica Federale Jugoslava (RFJ)

24 Marzo 1999 - Marzo 2017 : NOI NON DIMENTICHIAMO

Manifestazione in occasione del X anniversario della aggressione della NATO contro la Repubblica Federale Jugoslava (RFJ)

Cari amici,

Prima di tutto vorrei salutare tutti voi a nome del Partito Socialista degli Operai della Croazia ed a nome mio personale. Inoltre, vorrei ringraziare gli organizzatori per questa manifestazione e per le loro lodevoli iniziative che sono iniziate e durano sin dal periodo di questi brutali eventi, accaduti dieci anni fa.

L'aggressione, che la cosiddetta comunità internazionale, ma in realtà, un gruppo dei paesi più ricchi del mondo capeggiati da NATO e Stati Uniti, ha realizzato nella primavera del 1999 contro la Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia, rappresenta un classico esempio di guerra per il territorio, che un centro ricco conduce contro la sottosviluppata periferia. Dopo le divisioni tracciate già negli anni '70 con la dottrina Brzezinski, quella guerra era solo una continuazione dei cataclismi sociopolitici degli anni '90 del secolo scorso, che hanno avuto per scopo l'avanzata del grande capitale verso Est, assieme con la conquista di nuovi territori.

Con questa sua avanzata, il capitalismo con la sua crisi degli anni '80 del Novecento, ha realizzato i suoi tre obiettivi, posticipando, per un certo lasso di tempo, la propria uscita di scena ed il proprio inabissarsi nella storia.

Gli obiettivi che il capitalismo ha conseguito, sono:

L'OBIETTIVO ECONOMICO è consistito nella:

conquista di nuovi mercati.

Nell'impossessarsi di risorse, materie prime, infrastrutture e basi finanziarie nelle regioni appena conquistate.

Nel reperimento di manodopera a basso costo, sia quella nei paesi dove il capitalismo ha trasferito i capitali, sia quella arrivata con l'immigrazione nei loro paesi.

L'OBIETTIVO POLITICO è consistito nella eliminazione del socialismo in Europa, cosi come dell'autogestione in Jugoslavia.

L'OBIETTIVO MILITARE è stata la penetrazione all'Est allo scopo del ravvicinamento alla Russia e alla Cina, e del loro accerchiamento. Questo processo è ancora in corso.

L'aggressione del 1999 contro la Repubblica Federale Jugoslava, oltre ad aver fatto parte di una strategia globale di conquiste territoriali, per il modo brutale in cui si è svolta, ha avuto il compito di punire un avversario disubbidiente. I governanti dei paesi più ricchi del mondo hanno avuto gioco facile a reperire collaboratori tra le élite degli Stati del blocco ex-socialista, al fine di smantellare l'attuale sistema sociopolitico. Questi ultimi hanno consegnato i propri popoli e le risorse materiali nelle mani del grande capitale globalizzato. L'osso più duro era rappresentato dall'area jugoslava. Il modello jugoslavo di socialismo autogestito era particolarmente sgradito, dato che era caratterizzato dal ruolo naturale e dignitoso del lavoro e dell'uomo lavoratore nella società, capaci di autodeterminare il proprio cammino in una piena sovranità statale.

Kapuralin Vladimir: Manifestacija povodom 10-e godišnjice NATO napada na SRJ

Resultado de imagem para pictures of aggressione della NATO contro la Repubblica Federale Jugoslava

Tema: Manifestacija povodom 10-e godišnjice NATO napada na SRJ

Dragi prijatelji

Prije svega dozvolite mi da vas sve skupa pozdravim  ispred SRP-a hrvatske i u svoje lično ime. Također želim se zahvaliti organizatorima ove manifestacije, na ovoj hvale vrijednoj inicijativi, koja traje još od samih brutalnih događaja, započetih pred deset godina.

Agresija, koju je tzv. međunarodna zajednica, a ustvari grupa najbogatijih zemalja svijeta na čelu sa NATO i SAD, izvršila u proljeće 1999. godine na SRJ je u svojoj biti, klasičan primjer rata za prostor, koji razvijeni centar vodi protiv nerazvijene periferije. Nakon podjele koju je još 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća zacrtala doktrina Brzezinski. Taj rat je bio samo nastavak tektonskih društveno političkih procesa iz 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, kojih je cilj bio prodor krupnog kapitala na istok i osvajanje novih teritorija.

Tim prodorom je kapitalizam, koji se našao u dubokoj krizi 80-ih godina prošlog stoljeća ostvario svoja tri cilja i odgodio svoj silazak sa društvene scene i odlazak u povjest, za jedan nedefinirani vremenski period.

Ciljevi koje je kapitalizam postigao su:


EKONOMSKI cilj sastojao se od:
Osvajanja novih tržišta.
Preuzimanja sirovinske, infrastrukturne i financijske baze, novoosvojenih pdručja.
Dobivanja jeftine radne snage, bilo postojeće u zmljama u koje su transferirali kapital ili one imigrantske u vlastitim zemljama.

POLITIČKI cilj se sastojao od eliminacije socijalizma u Evropi i samoupravljanja u Jugoslaviji.

VOJNI cilj se sastojao od prodora na istok sa krajnjim ciljem približavanja i opkoljavanja Rusije i Kine. I taj proces još traje.

Valentin Vasilescu -- Le Su-57 et le S-400 : de précieux instruments de la politique étrangère russe

Sous les présidences Bush et Obama, les Etats-Unis, certains de leur supériorité sur leurs rivaux russe et chinois, se sont contentés de leur armes. Pendant ce temps, le complexe militaro-industriel russe menait des recherches sur des projets innovants qu’il a expérimenté en situation de combat en Syrie et peut désormais produire à la chaîne. Washington est aujourd’hui dépassé. Il a besoin d’au moins une décennie avant de revenir à égalité avec Moscou. La Russie entend maintenant utiliser ses nouvelles armes comme instruments diplomatiques.
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Les essais des avions Su-57 sont terminés. Le nouveau moteur assure un régime de super-croisière, c’est-à-dire un vol à vitesse supersonique sans forcer. De nouvelles armes spécialement adaptées aux compartiments carénés du Su-57 ont été testées. La chaîne de production a déjà une capacité de 30 Su-57 par an et, si elle en a les commandes, elle peut fabriquer 60 avions par an. Le prix d’un Su-57 est deux fois inférieur à celui d’un F-35.
Cependant, la Russie ne mettra en service que 12 Su-57 d’ici 2020. La Russie a motivé ce choix avec son concept défensif qui définit pour les avions invisibles la mission de créer un « couloir » de pénétration de la défense anti-aérienne adverse.
La mission du Su-57 est de frapper le réseau de radars de détection au sol, les radars de guidage des missiles antiaériens et l’aviation ennemie au sol dans l’axe principal de la progression des troupes terrestres.
Une fois cette mission accomplie, les avions de quatrième génération, qui ne sont pas invisibles au radar mais qui sont dotés de 5 fois plus d’armes que le Su-57, jouissent d’une totale liberté d’action sur les cibles au sol.
Mon opinion est que la Russie garde le Su-57 et le S-400 comme monnaie d’échange pour promouvoir ses intérêts en matière de politique étrangère.
Au cours de la prochaine décennie, les États du Golfe ne recevront pas de F-35 américains. Mais ils pourraient obtenir des Su-57 et des S-400 s’ils contribuent financièrement à la reconstruction de la Syrie et s’alignent sur les intérêts de la Russie au Moyen-Orient et pour ce qui concerne le prix des ressources énergétiques.
Il est peu probable que les intérêts de la Russie en Syrie et sur sa frontière méridionale soient menacés. Cependant, en cas de menaces, le Su-57 sera opérationnel en Syrie et probablement en Iran.
L’Égypte pourrait acheter des Su-57 et des S-400 dans le cas où la flotte militaire russe souhaiterait revenir dans les anciennes bases d’Alexandrie et de Port-Saïd. La flotte russe de la mer Noire est déjà présente dans l’est de la Méditerranée.
Si les États-Unis sortent du traité INF et déploient des missiles nucléaires de moyenne portée en Europe, le Venezuela pourrait recevoir le Su-57 et le complexe S-400, en échange de l’utilisation de bases militaires du pays par la Russie. La distance entre le Venezuela et Washington est de 3 000 km, distance parcourue en 11-12 minutes par un missile à moyenne portée.

Friday, December 28, 2018

NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

Activities - Comments

It is worth remembering when discussing NATO in 2018 that it was formed before the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War and was from the start dominated by the US government and its foreign policies. Since the time when it was formed in 1949 NATO has been an extension of US military power and, in turn, US economic power.  In 1968, Bertrand Russell was saying, ‘There is a danger that those who watch with horror the barbarism of the United States in Vietnam, and the nauseous opportunism of Wilson and George Brown, may feel that this something nevertheless remote from their lives.  That is not so. We in Western Europe are the allies and hosts of that same America. As long as we are tied by treaty, we are active accomplices of war criminals.  It is a sad reflection on the brutality of our times that it is necessary to argue the case for an absolute dissociation from aggression, indiscriminate slaughter and experimental warfare. Only 20 years ago we hanged men at Nuremberg for such crimes.  Today our government applauds them.’

  Russell went on to say, ‘It is clear that it is not the UN but NATO which determines and dominates the foreign policy of Britain and of all the junior members of the American alliance.’  At the time, in 1969, there would have been an opportunity under Article 13 of the treaty to opt out.  Russell knew that was unlikely under the Wilson government but, as he said, Britain would have lost ‘the opportunity to have an independent foreign policy for a further decade or two’.  How right he was and not just two decades, but four – and counting.

Nowhere is that more evident than in the case of nuclear weapons. From its beginning NATO has held a policy of using nuclear weapons.  It stated as recently as the 1999 review that nuclear weapons ‘bring peace’.  Furthermore NATO, incredibly, holds a policy of using nuclear weapons first. So, the UK government kowtows to these policies and also still holds a policy, little known among the general population, of first use of nuclear weapons.  The NATO leaders apparently believed, and still do, in the myth of ‘nuclear deterrence’.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

CH -- 曼利奥·迪努希 -- 在面临核战争的风险下,意大利扮演起了三只小猴的角色

Resultado de imagem para pictures of Conti di Maio , Salvini together

Faced with the risk of nuclear war,
Italy plays the Three Little Monkeys


Manlio Dinucci


What was the reaction to the warning by Russian President Putin when he said that the world underestimates the peril of
nuclear war, and that this tendency is increasing?

   The commentary in the La Repubblica is significant, speaking of his “highly alarming tone”. The almost absolute silence of the whole Parliamentarian arc is also eloquent. As if Italy had nothing to do with the race to stock up nuclear weapons which, warned Putin in his end-of-year Press conference, could lead to the “destruction of all civilisation or even the whole planet”. The scenario is not alarmist, but a realistic assessment by scientists who study the effects of nuclear weapons.
  A specific danger – emphasises Putin – is the “tendency to lower the bar for the use of nuclear weapons, by creating tactical low-impact nuclear charges which may lead to a world-wide nuclear disaster”. This is the category including the new B61-12 nuclear bombs which the USA will begin to deploy in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland, and perhaps in other European countries, during the first half of the year 2020. “High precision and the possibility of using less destructive warheads”  - warns the Federation of American Scientists – “may lead military commanders to insist on the use of nuclear  bombs in an attack, knowing that radioactive fallout and collateral damage would be limited”.

   Italy shares the responsibility for the growing danger of nuclear war, since, in  violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and not being a signatory of the UNO Treaty forbidding nuclear weapons, it is providing the United States with a primarily anti-Russian capacity, not only with its bases, but also aircraft and pilots for the deployment of nuclear bombs. This comes with the explicit or implicit consent (by renouncing real opposition) of the entire arc of Parliament.

   The other danger – warns Putin – is the “disintegration of the international system for arms control”, initiated by the retreat of the United States from the ABM Treaty (Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty) in 2002. Created in 1972 by the USA and the USSR, it forbade each of the two parties to deploy interceptor missiles which, by neutralising reprisals by countries under attack, would have favoured a « first strike », in other words a surprise nuclear attack. Since then, the United States have developed the “anti-missile shield”, stretching from Europe to the borders of Russia – two ground installations in Romania and Poland, and four warships cruising the Baltic and the Black Sea.  Equipped with launch tubes, these ships are able to launch interceptor missiles and also cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.

    Italy shares the responsibility in this case also – the installation of the JTAGS (Joint Tactical Ground Station) at Sigonella (Sicily). This a US satellite station for the “anti-missile shield”, one of five on the planet. The situation is made worse by the fact that the USA now want to retire from the 1987 INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) - which eliminated the US nuclear missiles based in Comiso - in order to be able to deploy in Europe anti-Russian ground-based intermediate-range nuclear missiles. The Italian government is also implicated, since it endorsed this plan at the North Atlantic Council of 4 December, and is without a doubt favourable to the installation of these missiles in Italy. “If these missiles arrive in Europe, the West should not be astonished if we react” said Putin. A warning which was ignored by Conte, Di Maio and  Salvini (1) who continue to beat the drum for the anti-migrant “Security Decree”. But when US nuclear bombs and missiles arrive and put the real security of Italy in danger, they see nothing, hear nothing and say nothing.

Sunday, 23 December 2018 Edition of il manifesto
20181223日星期日 第二版



(1) President of the Council and Vice-President of the current government of Italy




 地理学家和政治学家。 他最新的书Laboratorio di geografia, Zanichelli 2014 ; Diario di viaggio, Zanichelli 2017 ; L’arte della guerra / Annali della strategia Usa/Nato 1990-2016, Zambon 2016, Guerra Nucleare. Il Giorno Prima 2017; Diario di guerra Asterios Editores 2018.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

PT -- Valentin Vasilescu -- Avangard : A Arma Ilimitada?

por Valentin Vasilescu

O míssil Avangard está, pelo menos, dez anos à frente do armamento ocidental. Valentin Vasilescu apresenta as suas características técnicas. Este míssil, cujo ensaio bem-sucedido, teve lugar na presença do Presidente Putin, em 26 de Dezembro de 2018, estará à disposição do exército russo em 2019.


Numa entrevista ao Krasnaïa Zvezda [1], o general Sergei Karakayev, comandante das forças de mísseis estratégicos da Federação Russa, declarou que os primeiros sistemas hipersónicos Avangard estariam operacionais em 2019, na 13ª divisão de Dombarovsky. À partida, o Avangard será lançado com o míssil balístico intercontinental ligeiro UR-100N UTTKh, e será impulsionado pelo novo foguete Sarmat.

O Avangard é um veículo hipersónico que vai até ao limite do espaço (80 a 90 km), a uma velocidade de 7 a 7,5 km/s, ou Mach 20-21, o que lhe permite fazer uma trajetória balística nas camadas rarefeitas da atmosfera, sem entrar no espaço.

O Avangard viaja na atmosfera, a 20 Mach (24.500 km/h), diferentemente de todos os mísseis balísticos, pois é capaz de mudar a sua trajetória, voar na horizontal e efectuar mudanças de direcção. Estas características impedem o sistema Avangard de ser interceptado por um escudo anti-balístico.

Avangard : l’arme absolue ?

Que inovações é que os russos trouxeram a este sistema?

FR -- Valentin Vasilescu -- Avangard : l’arme absolue ?

Avangard : l’arme absolue ?

Le missile Avangard est au moins une dizaine d’années en avance sur l’armement occidental. Valentin Vasilescu présente ses caractéristiques techniques. Ce missile, dont un essai réussi a eu lieu en présence du président Poutine le 26 décembre 2018, sera disponible pour l’armée russe en 2019.


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Dans une interview à Krasnaïa Zvezda [1], le général Sergei Karakayev, commandant des forces de missiles stratégiques de la Fédération de Russie, a déclaré que les premiers systèmes hypersoniques Avangard seraient opérationnels en 2019 dans la 13ème division de Dombarovsky. Au départ, Avangard sera lancé avec le missile balistique intercontinental léger UR-100N UTTKh, et sera, par la suite, propulsé par la nouvelle fusée Sarmat.
Avangard est un véhicule hypersonique allant jusqu’à la limite de l’espace (80 à 90 km), à une vitesse de 7 à 7,5 km/s, soit Mach 20-21. Ce qui lui permet de prendre une trajectoire balistique dans les couches raréfiées de l’atmosphère, sans pour autant aller dans l’espace.
Avangard se déplace dans l’atmosphère, à 20 Mach (24 500 km/h), différemment de tous les missiles balistiques, car il est capable de modifier sa trajectoire, de voler à l’horizontale et d’effectuer des changements de direction. Ces caractéristiques empêchent le système Avangard d’être intercepté par un bouclier antibalistique.

Avangard : l’arme absolue ?
Quelles innovations les Russes ont-ils apportées dans ce système ?


2007 Speech


Discurso do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, na manhã do dia 24 de Fevereiro de 2022

Discurso do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, Tradução em português

Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin: Cidadãos da Rússia, Amigos,

Considero ser necessário falar hoje, de novo, sobre os trágicos acontecimentos em Donbass e sobre os aspectos mais importantes de garantir a segurança da Rússia.

Começarei com o que disse no meu discurso de 21 de Fevereiro de 2022. Falei sobre as nossas maiores responsabilidades e preocupações e sobre as ameaças fundamentais que os irresponsáveis políticos ocidentais criaram à Rússia de forma continuada, com rudeza e sem cerimónias, de ano para ano. Refiro-me à expansão da NATO para Leste, que está a aproximar cada vez mais as suas infraestruturas militares da fronteira russa.

É um facto que, durante os últimos 30 anos, temos tentado pacientemente chegar a um acordo com os principais países NATO, relativamente aos princípios de uma segurança igual e indivisível, na Europa. Em resposta às nossas propostas, enfrentámos invariavelmente, ou engano cínico e mentiras, ou tentativas de pressão e de chantagem, enquanto a aliança do Atlântico Norte continuou a expandir-se, apesar dos nossos protestos e preocupações. A sua máquina militar está em movimento e, como disse, aproxima-se da nossa fronteira.

Porque é que isto está a acontecer? De onde veio esta forma insolente de falar que atinge o máximo do seu excepcionalismo, infalibilidade e permissividade? Qual é a explicação para esta atitude de desprezo e desdém pelos nossos interesses e exigências absolutamente legítimas?

Read more


Ver a imagem de origem



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


manlio + maria




Read more at Moon of Shanghai

World Intellectual Property Day (or Happy Birthday WIPO) - Spruson ...

Moon of Shanghai

L Romanoff

Larry Romanoff,

contributing author

to Cynthia McKinney's new COVID-19 anthology

'When China Sneezes'

When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis


James Bacque


irmãos de armas

Subtitled in PT, RO, SP

Click upon CC and choose your language.



Before the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly.

The President of Russia delivered
the Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took
place at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall.

15, 2020


President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Address to the Nation

Address to the Nation.




PT -- VLADIMIR PUTIN na Sessão plenária do Fórum Económico Oriental

Excertos da transcrição da sessão plenária do Fórum Económico Oriental


The Putin Interviews
by Oliver Stone (



Um auto retrato surpreendentemente sincero do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin



Personagens Principais em 'Na Primeira Pessoa'

Parte Um: O Filho

Parte Dois: O Estudante

Parte Três: O Estudante Universitário

Parte Quatro: O Jovem especialista

Parte Cinco: O Espia

Parte Seis: O Democrata

Parte Sete: O Burocrata

Parte Oito: O Homem de Família

Parte Nove: O Político

Apêndice: A Rússia na Viragem do Milénio

contaminação nos Açores

Subtitled in EN/PT

Click upon the small wheel at the right side of the video and choose your language.

convegno firenze 2019