“And the unbelievers
plotted and planned, and God too planned, and the best of planners is God”
Quran, Sura Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) – 3:54
It has been pretty obvious
for many years already that the AngloZionist Empire was not viable, that it had
to tank sooner or later. There were two main scenarios which were typically
considered for this collapse: an external crisis (typically a major military
defeat) or an internal one (economic collapse). Personally, I always favored
the first scenario (specifically, as described here). I even had a “favorite” location for such a
catastrophic military defeat (for the US): Iran and the Middle-East. Irrespective
of the scenario one preferred, this was obvious:
- The
Empire was not viable
- The
Empire was not reformable
The same is true of the US
political system, by the way.
There was one huge problem,
however. The quality and sheer size of the AngloZionist propaganda machine was
very successful in keeping most of the people in the West in total ignorance of
these realities. The faster the Empire was collapsing, the more Obama or Trump
peppered their patriotic flag-waving ceremonies (aka “press conferences”) with
references to an “indispensable nation” providing “vital leadership” thanks to
its “the best economy in history”, the “best military in history” and even
“unbelievable CEOs”, “incredible politicians” and even “incredible
conversations”. The message was simple: we are the best, better than all the
rest and we are invincible.
Then COVID19 happened.
The initial reaction in the
US to the pandemic was to either dismiss this completely, or blame it on the Chinese. Another exceptionally
dumb theory was that the virus only affected Asians. This one tanked pretty
quickly. Other myths, and even outright lies, proved much more resilient, at
least for a while.
Then “Italy” happened. Soon
followed by Spain and France.
Some folks started to change
their tune. Other still thought that the EU was not as “incredible” as the US.
Then “New York” happened and
all hell broke loose for the “indispensable nation” and the “imperial parasite”
this nation was hosting. Even the Idiot-in-Chief switched from “it will be over
by Easter” to talk about saving “millions” of (US) “Americans” (the US does not
care about non-Americans).
I predict that this process
will now only accelerate.
Here are a few reasons for
this conclusion:
First, the imperial propaganda machine is simply unable to
conceal the magnitude of the disaster, even in countries like the US or the UK.
Oh sure, initially doctors and even USN ship commanders were summarily fired
for speaking the truth, but even those cases proved impossible to conceal and
public opinion got even more suspicious of official assurances and statements.
The truth is that most of the entire planet already realized that this is a
huge crisis and that countries like Russia or China responded almost infinitely
better than the US. The planet also knows that the US “health notcare”
system is broke, corrupt, and mostly dysfunctional and that Trump’s initial
optimism was based on nothing. BTW – Trump haters have immediately
instrumentalized the crisis to bash Trump. The sad thing is that while they are
no better (and most definitely not the braindead Uncle Joe), they are right
about Trump being completely out of touch with reality. In the age of the
Internet this is a reality which even the US propaganda machine is unable to
conceal from the US public forever.
Second, and that is now quite obvious, it is becoming clear
that the capitalist ideology of free markets, globalism, consumerism, extreme
individualism and, above all, greed, is totally unable to cope with the crisis.
Even more offensively to those who still believed in an ideology based on the
assumption that the sum of our greeds will create an optimal society, countries
with stronger collectivist traditions of solidarity (whether “enhanced” by
Marxist or Socialist ideas or not) did much better. China for starters, but
also Cuba and even Russia (which is neither Marxist nor Socialist, but which
has very strong collectivist traditions) or South Korea or Singapore (both
non-Marxists with strong collectivist traditions). Even tiny Venezuela,
embattled and under siege by the Empire, managed to do much better than the US or the UK. Not only did these countries all fare much better
than much richer, and putatively much “freer”, countries, they did so while
under US sanctions. And, finally, just to add insult to injury, these
supposedly “bad” countries proved much more generous than those incorporated
into the Empire: they sent many tons of vitally needed equipment and hundred of
specialized scientists and even military personnel to help those countries most
in need (Italy, Spain, Serbia, etc.).
Eventually, even the US has
to accept aid from Russia: the contents of two huge military AN-124
The Russian military
delivers aid to the “indispensable nation”
Think of the irony! The
country whose economy was supposed to be “in tatters” (Obama) delivers
humanitarian aid to the “indispensable nation” (Obama again). Not only was this
aid delivered from a country under US sanctions, the gear delivered was produced
by a Russian company also under US sanctions. The “grateful” US media
immediately declared that this was a Russian PR action, especially since 50% of
the cargo was paid for by the US (the rest, including transportation costs,
were paid by Russia).
At least in Italy questions
began arising why the US, NATO or the EU did absolutely *nothing* to help them
when they were in such dire need of help, and why countries which did generously help (Russia, China, Cuba) were all under sanctions,
including Italian ones! Good questions indeed. It was answered by Serbian
President Vucic who declared that European solidarity was a “fairy tale“. He is quite correct, of course.
Third, then we all saw the ugly sight of various western
“democracies” literally stealing vital medical gear from each other, over and
over again. In fact, under a purely capitalistic logic, this kind of
“competition” was both inevitable (true) and even desirable (false): major Med
& Pharma companies all have used this financial windfall to maximize their
profits (which is, after all, what all corporations have to do in a capitalist
system: get as much money as possible for their shareholders). Even states and
countries are competing against each other for medical equipment now! As long
as all was well and the West was free to plunder the rest of the planet,
Capitalism could be seen as a promise of a better future (just like Communism
was, by the way). But now that this big “propagandistic house of cards” is
tumbling down and capitalism shows its true face (an ideology created by the
rich to screw the poor), the comparison with (supposedly “backward”)
collectivistic societies is most embarrassing yet inevitable.
Fourth, we also witness the raw nastiness of the imperial
propaganda machine in articles about how “Russia sent useless gear to Italy”,
that “Chinese equipment did not work” or about how all the countries which
responded better and sooner were all lying about the real numbers (which is
utter nonsense, the Chinese have been very open, as have the Russians: the
truth is that in the early phases of a pandemic it is impossible to get real
numbers, that can only be done much later). This is as false as the “Iraqi
incubators”, “genocidal Serbs” or “Gaddafi’s Viagra” and time will prove it.
Fifth, then there is the issue of poverty. We see the first
signs that this pandemic (like all pandemics) is affecting the poor much harder
than the rich. Hardly a surprise… For example, in the US cities like New York,
Chicago, Detroit, Miami or New Orleans have a lot of poor neighborhoods and
that people there are getting hit very hard. But this is only the beginning,
there are much bigger slums in other countries, including in Latin America and,
even probably worse, Africa. Barring a miracle of some kind, the death-toll in
the third world slums will be absolutely horrendous. And, you can be pretty
sure that collectivistic poor countries will do much better than those in the
grip of the delusions of the free market economy. Again, there will be major
political consequences in all those countries: I predict that we will see some
cases of regime change in the not too distant future.
Sixth, just like the Empire itself, NATO and the EU are
also in free fall, both clueless as to what to do and in a panic about doing
anything proactive. Besides the flag-waving Idiot-in-Chief, I also took the
time to listen to both Macron and Merkel. They are both in a full-freak-out
mode, Macron speaks over and over about a “war” while Merkel declared that the
pandemic is the most serious challenge facing Germany since WWII! Still, the
most amazing contrast to the US might well be Russia. Putin has made several
special appeals to the Russian people, and his mood was both clearly determined
and clearly somber. I took this screenshot of Putin’s latest message to the
Russian people, and see his expression for yourself:

As for the main MD in charge
of the COVID19 crisis in Moscow, he told Putin that Russia needs to prepare for
what he called “the Italian scenario in order to avoid it”, even though at the
time (March 30th) there were only 1,836 confirmed COVID19 cases in Russia,
including 9 death and 66 recoveries. Let’s compare the three countries:
cases detected
Furthermore, the Russian
special medical teams of the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops
of the Russian Armed Forces are now on full alert and even though there is no
shortage of specialized ABC/NBC medical gear in Russia, the Russian Armed
Forces are now building 16 special hospitals in various locations in Russia.
Russia is also almost completely shutting down internal air and rail traffic. A
lot of that was predictable, since Moscow is much richer than any other Russian
region, Moscow is doing fine, in spite of being a huge population (about 12
million in the city, plus another 7 or so in the Moscow Oblast’). Here are the
official Russian numbers for the Moscow area: (also as of March 30th!!)
of Moscow
Does it not strike you as
very strange that a country like Russia, which clearly is faring much better
than the US (even in per capita indicators) is preparing for the worst? What do
the Russians know that the US leaders are not telling you?
Of course, the anti-Russian
propaganda machine has an explanation. For example, it claims that the Russians
are lying about everything. There is even a psyop going on with western agents
of influence impersonating Russian MDs claiming that there are thousands of
hidden deaths, that Russia has no equipment and that the Russians are clueless.
One previously sober-minded analyst now even claims that “Putin is losing control“.
To be totally honest, I have
never in my life seen such a tsunami of nonsense, false information, unfounded
rumors, and, last but certainly not least, shameless clickbaiting. For some,
this crisis is clearly a chance to regain some visibility. It is shameful,
really, a total disgrace: just a new form of profiteering from a crisis.
I am not medical expert for
sure. But I know the Russian government and its “body language” if you wish,
and I can tell you that the Russians are preparing very, very
seriously, for what might well become a huge crisis even for Russia(having
the Ukraine and Belarus both sitting in deep denial will obviously not help!).
Seven, in the US, the contrast between the Federal
government and the state authorities is quite startling. As much as the Federal
government is terminally dysfunctional, state governors have often had to use a
lot of out of the box thinking to get supplies and specialists. For example,
the governor of FL, Ron DeSantis (R) had to call a friend of his in Israel to
get the giant Israeli pharma company Teva Pharmaceuticals to send in desperately needed medical gear to
Florida. Similar things are happening in other states I believe. This is one of
the reasons why Americans are typically very suspicious of the Federal
government but much more supportive of their local authorities (again, as a
general rule, there are, of course, exceptions to this). There are many reasons
for the contrast between the Federal and State authorities, including the fact
that governors are much “closer” to their constituents on a local level than on
the national one.
While not as dramatic as the
contrast between societies based on pure greed and societies based on
solidarity, this contrast between the local and national level will also
contribute to the collapse of the imperial system, albeit more indirectly.
Conclusion: NWO, globalism
and US “leadership”- RIP
The first (non-human) victim
of this pandemic will be the so-called “New World Order” promised by several US
presidents. The same goes for its underlying globalist ideology. If the
putative “Illuminati world government” imagined by some really did trigger this
pandemic, then it shot itself right in the foot and is now quickly bleeding
The US is now showing to the
world that the so-called “US leadership” is nothing but a crude lie to conceal
what I would describe as a the rule of one, single, narcissistic world hegemon
who will screw over even its closest “allies” (really colonies) to get any
Right now most of what we
see are only warning signs, say like the EU members closing their borders. But
irrespective of how this pandemic progresses, what will happen next is a huge
economic crisis which will dwarf both the Great Depression, the crash after
9/11 and 2008.
Of course, the world will,
sooner or later, recover from this pandemic and economic collapse. But the kind
of world which we will then see will be dramatically different from the one we
have lived in until now.
For the time being, there
are still observable manifestations of the “US leadership”: the US tries hard
to rob medicine and medical gear from other countries, the US imposes sanctions
on countries like Iran and Venezuela who desperately need meds, and the US
re-plays the Noriega scenario with Maduro. This foreign policy of “US
leadership” can be summed up in terms like evil, immoral, hypocritical,
dysfunctional, narcissistic. etc. Whatever label one chooses to apply to it, it
is always a morally repugnant and practically self-defeating policy.
There is no more hiding it.
The SARS-COV-2 achieved that which even RT or PressTV could not: it put a
bright spotlight on the true nature of the AngloZionist Empire.
As the Quran says, God is
the better planner.
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